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What hardware should I get?

For some games like Rust, Apex, and EFT, you can get away with just having a DMA. Depending on the DMA cheat you use, you’ll be able to use chams, aimbot that doesn’t rely on an HID device, and usually visuals or radars that you can see on your second pc. However, if you’re playing other games with better implementations of Battleeye, EAC, or Vanguard, you’ll probably want more hardware. Simply put… If you want to use ESP without the lag, hassle, and possible anti-cheat flagging of gamestreaming (like Moonlight or Parsec), then you should get a FUSER. If you want to use Aimbot, Triggerbot, and other mouse/keyboard input-related features (tapstrafing on apex for example or auto-stop on Valorant), then you will want a KMBOX NET or KMBOX B+ PRO

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