Frog (DMA CS2) – Week


Game: CS2

Type: DMA

Windows (Both PCs): 10/11

Hardware: 2nd PC CPU must support AVX2

DMA Speeds: 5k+ reads & 180mbps+ throughput

Platform: Steam

Input Methods: KMBox B+, KMBox NET

ESP Methods: Fuser, Gamestream (Moonlight/Parsec)

Status: UD It’s read only DMA

In stock

  • Categories
    • Global
    • Group
    • Weapon
  • Aim Generals
    • Enabled
    • Recoil Control
    • Aimbot Loop Delay
    • Aim Key
  • Smoothing Options
    • Dynamic Smoothing
  • Target Selection
    • Target Switch Delay
  • Hitboxes
  • FOV
    • FOV
  • Smoothing
    • Min Smooth X
    • Min Smooth Y
    • Max Smooth X
    • Max Smooth Y
    • Linear Interp
    • Sigmoid Exponent
  • Deadzone
    • Deadzone X
    • Deadzone Y
  • Trigger Generals
    • Enabled
    • Disable When Moving
  • Trigger Key
    • TriggerKey
  • Delays Configuration
    • Use Seperate Delays
    • Trigger Delay
  • Burst Firing
    • Burst
    • Burst Time
  • Hitboxes
  • Enabled
  • Disable When Moving
  • FOV
  • Aimbot Loop Delay
  • Activation Key
    • Magnet Key
  • Smoothing Options
    • Dynamic Smoothing
    • Smooth X
    • Smooth Y
    • Use Seperate Delays
    • Trigger Delay
  • Target Selection
    • Target Switch Delay
  • Deadzone
    • Deadzone X
    • Deadzone Y
  • Box
  • Skeleton
  • Snaplines
  • Head Hitbox
  • Draw Hitboxes
  • Box Thickness
  • Skeleton Thickness
  • HealthBar Thickness
  • Head Circle Thickness
  • Snapline Origin
  • Snapline Thickness
  • Center Exclusion
  • Text Based
    • Name
    • Health
    • Distance
    • Held Weapon
    • Ammo in Weapon
  • ESP Resolution Scaling
    • Resolution Scaling
    • Game Resolution
  • Color Settings
    • Visible Box
    • Invisible Box
    • Skeleton
    • Snapline
    • Head Circle
    • Hitboxes
  • Text Colors
    • Name Text
    • Health High
    • Health Low
    • Distance Text
    • Weapon Text
  • Team Check
  • Disable Aim when menu is open
  • Sniper Crosshair
  • Crosshair Length
  • Crosshair Width
  • Crosshair Offset
  • Config copy pasting
    • Copy Aimbot Config
    • Import Aimbot Config
    • Copy Trigger Config
    • Import Trigger Config
    • Copy Magnet Config
    • Import Magnet Config
  • Config Files
    • Current Config
    • Load
    • Save Config To File
    • Set Default
    • Refresh
  • Create New Config File
    • ConfigName
    • Create
  • Data Update Rate
    • Tickrate
    • Visibility Update Rate
    • In-Game Entities
    • Active Entities
    • LocalPlayerPawn
    • EntityList
    • Reset All players
  • These options are for debugging purposes only.
    • Raycast Test
    • Render Meshes
    • Render Hulls
    • Distance Limit
    • Render Distance
  • Map Parser Information
    • Map
    • Map json Loaded
  • Select new Mouse Input
    • HIDProxy
    • Load
  • Mouse Input Settings
    • IP
    • Port
    • LoopDelay
  • To pay with an alternative payment method not seen on the site, please join our DISCORD SERVER and open a ticket.


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