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It’s as fast as a 35t gets. In our unbiased opinion, upgrading to a 75t isn’t worth it. The only upgrade where it’s worth the money is the ZDMA but that’s like 600 bucks.

Nope! LynxDMA v1 has open constraints on UnknownCheats and LynxDMA v2 is an open board! Feel free to paste.

For some games like Rust, Apex, and EFT, you can get away with just having a DMA. Depending on the DMA cheat you use, you’ll be able to use chams, aimbot that doesn’t rely on an HID device, and usually visuals or radars that you can see on your second pc. However, if you’re playing other games with better implementations of Battleeye, EAC, or Vanguard, you’ll probably want more hardware. Simply put… If you want to use ESP without the lag, hassle, and possible anti-cheat flagging of gamestreaming (like Moonlight or Parsec), then you should get a FUSER. If you want to use Aimbot, Triggerbot, and other mouse/keyboard input-related features (tapstrafing on apex for example or auto-stop on Valorant), then you will want a KMBOX NET or KMBOX B+ PRO

Simply put, you plug the DMA into your main PC in the PCIe slot, then connect the DMA to a second PC via the included USB-C to USB-A cable. You can run software for game assistance from the second PC without anything running on your main PC, making the experience safer in most instances.

There are some technical differences but here’s the jist: KMBox NET is newer, so not all features are implemented in a stable state. However, from my testing and based on the general consensus, NET performs better overall. I personally notice less input lag and it feels like it operates at a higher polling rate, but it could also be the percs talking. KMBox B+ Pro is great, you can edit everything via a .py file (like your polling rate, VID, and PID), and it doesn’t communicate over network. It is also more supported widely among DMA cheats and pasters. So, if you want something that will perform a little bit better with less customization options (as of now), then get the KMBox NET. If you want a more widely supported and easier to modify device, get a KMBox B+ Pro.

v2 has a heat shield v2 has two ports instead of a singular port. v2 has a different board type (constraints more widely known) v2 has a physical killswitch v2 DOES NOT come with lifetime firmware updates for free.

DMA Software

Silly goose! There’s no such thing as undetectable. All of these DMA softwares have the features and capabilities of being read only. Don’t enable memory writing features if you truly care about not getting banned.

Yes, for pretty much all of them there is a transparent mode for game streaming. Check the product descriptions to be sure. Also, check that the method you’re using is undetected for the game you’re playing. Sometimes those software programs like Parsec and Moonlight can be a flag.

Some require a HID device like KMBox B+ or KMBox NET for aimbot, trigger, flick, etc and some require a fuser for drawn visuals. Make sure to check the product descriptions. At least 5k+ reads and 180mb/s throughout is generally required for the smoothest experience. Lastly, ensure that your second PC can handle them. Some older PCs don’t support them, they must support “AVX2”.


It depends. There are many devs we sell for. Make sure to check the product descriptions to learn more about that specific product.

Silly goose! There’s no such thing as undetectable. But to find if they are undetected, go to our Status page.

Most software does have requirements. Make sure to read the requirements for each product.

Some of the cheats: Mojojojo, Kuno, Seeker, and Neumann are also referred to as “SO” in China and sorrounding areas.

Yep! Every cheat we sell should be stream proof when capturing only the game. Some of them are even full screen stream proof! Check the product descriptions and they will specifically say full screen stream proof.

Watch this video! Dual booting isn’t hard or scary, just a little intimidating at first.